Sunday, May 24, 2020
How to Pronounce Vowels in Italian
Italian pronunciation might pose some difficulties for the beginner. Yet it is very regular, and once the rules are understood, it is easy to pronounce each word correctly. Italian vowels (le vocali) are short, clear-cut, and are never drawn out. The glide, with which English vowels frequently end, should be avoided. Finally, it should be noted that the vowels a, i, and u, are always pronounced the same way. E and o, on the other hand, have an open and a closed sound that may vary from. How to Pronounce Vowels Aââ¬âsounds like a in fatherEââ¬âhas two sounds: short vowel like e in pen; long vowel, similar to ai in fairIââ¬âsounds like ea in tea or i in marineOââ¬âhas two sounds: like o in cozy or similar to o in costUââ¬âsounds like u in rude Tips: Italian vowels are always articulated in a sharp, clear fashion, regardless of stress. They are never slurred or pronounced weakly.Vowels (a,e,i,o,u) always retain their value in diphthongs.Italian is a phonetic language, which means that it is spoken the way it is written. Italian and English share the Latin alphabet, but the sounds represented by the letters often differ considerably in the two languages. à Examples of Vowels a is like a in the English word ah! Here are some examples in Italian with an English translation. casaà houseantipastoà appetizeramaà lovesbananaà bananasalaà hallPapaà Popefamaà famepastaà pasta; dough; pastry e is sometimes like e in the English word they (without the final i glide). Here are some examples in Italian with an English translation. eà andbeveà drinksmeà mefedeà faithvedeà seesmeleà applesseteà thirstpepeà pepper e is sometimes like e in the word met. This is the open e. Here are some examples in Italian with an English translation. à ¨Ã islentoà slowbeneà wellfestaà party; holidaysediaà chairprestoà soonventoà windtà ¨Ã tea i is like i in machine. Here are some examples in Italian with an English translation. librià booksbimbià childrenvinià winesviolinià violinstinià vatspinià pines o is sometimes like o in the English word oh!. Here are some examples in Italian with an English translation. oà ordonoà giftnomeà namesoloà alonepostoà placetondoà roundvoloà flightmondoà world o is sometimes like o in or. This is the open o. Here are some examples in Italian with an English translation. modaà fashiontogaà toganoà nooroà goldpostaà mailbrodoà brothcosaà thingtronoà thronerosaà roseolioà oil u is like u in rule. Here are some examples in Italian with an English translation. lunaà moonfungoà mushroomunoà onelungoà longfugaà fuguemuloà muleusoà usetuboà tube
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Cunto invertir para obtener visa E-2 de inversionista
Las leyes de inmigracià ³n de Estados Unidos no dicen especà ficamente quà © cantidad de dinero hay que invertir en un negocio para que se obtenga la aprobacià ³n de la visa E-2 por inversià ³n. Simplemente una inversià ³n sustancial para el negocio que se desea emprender. Pero, à ¿cuà ¡nto una inversià ³n es sustancial? Para la mayorà a de los abogados de inmigracià ³n Muchos de los expertos que se han especializado en este tipo de visas consideran que las inversiones a partir de los $100,000 tienen oportunidades reales de ser aprobadas y que a partir de los $250,000 es, realmente, un caso muy fuerte para su obtencià ³n. à ¿Es posible obtener la visa E-2 con una inversià ³n inferior a los $100,000? Sà , hay numerosos casos en los que se ha obtenido con inversiones en torno a los $40,000-$50,000. Depende del tipo de negocio e Inmigracià ³n no va a pedir a un posible inmigrante extranjero que invierta una cantidad superior que la que invertirà a un ciudadano americano para el mismo tipo de negocio. En estos casos se recomiendan dos cosas: primero, contar con un buen abogado que crea en el proyecto. A la hora de elegirlo es posible que se tenga que realizar entrevistas previas con varios de ellos. Y segundo, tener un excelente plan de negocios y entenderlo y buscar el tipo jurà dico de empresa correcto de los 10 posibles en Estados Unidos. Es fundamental arriesgar dinero real y estar dispuesto a ello (se trata de un negocio), tomarse el tiempo para estudiar quà © se quiere hacer, en dà ³nde, cuà ¡les son los posibles clientes, cà ³mo obtenerlos, quà © diferencial puede ofrecer el negocio, etc. A la hora de confeccionar el plan de negocios y la carta de presentacià ³n que le acompaà ±a es muy comà ºn contar con la ayuda de profesionales que entienden de nà ºmeros y los aspectos tà ©cnicos. Pero aà ºn en los casos en los que se encarga la redaccià ³n del plan de negocios es fundamental entenderlo, tomarlo como un asunto propio. Otra buena opcià ³n es abrir una franquicia con un modelo de negocio probado. Estas son las 10 franquicias consideradas como las mejores en USA. Si se està ¡ pensando en una inversià ³n inmobiliaria, es muy importante asesorarse bien ya que debe tener forma de negocio real y activo para que pueda calificar. à ¿Dà ³nde es frecuente que surjan problemas en el proceso de tramitacià ³n de la E-2? Una vez que el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) aprueba la solicitud, es necesario pasar una entrevista en el consulado (o Embajada) del paà s en el que se reside.à La entrevista es dura. El oficial consular (llamado cà ³nsul en algunos paà ses), va a querer quedar convencido de que la persona que solicita la visa tiene capacidad para sacar adelante un negocio, que lo entiende, y para eso va a hacer preguntas en profundidad sobre el plan de negocios. Asimismo, va a querer quedar convencido del origen legal de la inversià ³n y evitar casos que persigan actividades delictivas como blanqueo de dinero. à ¿Cuà ¡nto cobra de media un abogado de inmigracià ³n por completar planilla de solicitud de E-2? Unos $5,000, generalmente se puede negociar pagarlo en distintos plazos. Ademà ¡s, hay que sumar el pago por llenar las planillas de cada miembro de la familia que acompaà ±e al inversor.à Asimismo hay que tener en cuenta que se pueden generar otros gastos, como por ejemplo, la elaboracià ³n del plan de negocios, que puede costar en torno a $2,500 dependiendo de las circunstancias de cada caso. Otros gastos que pueden influir son los relacionados con la creacià ³n de la empresa, si todavà a no se ha hecho y se encarga al mismo despacho de abogados. Los precios por lo general està ¡n fijados, pero van a variar un poco si se contratan varias gestiones como presentacià ³n papeles visa, creacià ³n de empresa y elaboracià ³n de plan de negocios o sà ³lo una. Tambià ©n influye en el precio si el abogado debe buscar papeles o se le proporcionan todos y si ya està ¡n en inglà ©s o los hay que traducir. Tambià ©n es comà ºn que se cobre una cantidad por la consulta que puede oscilar habitualmente entre los $200 - $400 y, si se sigue adelante, se descuente del total. Es decir, saldrà a gratis pero sà ³lo si se sigue el caso con ese despacho de abogados. Puede resultar de interà ©s cuà ¡ntoà cobra un abogado de inmigracià ³n para otros asuntos. Tener en consideracià ³n que eso son medias y que existen grandes diferencias segà ºn el prestigio de los despachos y tambià ©n segà ºn el lugar donde radian. De interà ©s para emprendedores que desean emigrar a USA La visa E-2 es parecida, pero diferente, a la E-1 para comerciantes de importacià ³n/exportacià ³n. Si se tiene un negocio de ese tipo. Si ese es el caso, explorar esa posibilidad. Otras opciones son estasà 8 posibles visas para crear un negocio en Estados Unidosà y si se tiene al menos medio millà ³n de dà ³lares, explorar cà ³mo obtener laà green card por inversià ³n: EB-5. En todo caso, antes de invertir informarse sobre las leyes en diferentes estados porque la regulacià ³n es muy distinta en diferentes partes del paà s siendo estos los 10 mejores estados para hacer negocios. Si se està ¡ abierto a otras opciones diferentes a Estados Unidos, estos son 20 paà ses en los que es posible adquirir la ciudadanà a (pasaporte) y/o la residencia por inversià ³n. Las condiciones y las cantidades son muy diferentes de un paà s a otro. Y si la decisià ³n es elegir los Estados Unidos, estas son 10 cosas que saber antes de emigrar o si se es recià ©n llegado. Conocerlas facilitarà ¡ mucho la vida. Empezando por el principio Es comà ºn que personas que desean emigrar a los Estados Unidos y no tienen un familiar que es residente o ciudadano que consideren la inversià ³n como el camino a explorar para hacer realidad su sueà ±o de mudarse. Pero o se tiene al menos medio millà ³n de dà ³lares para comenzar a calificar para una green card por inversià ³n por la visa de inmigrante EB-5 o bien, si lo que tiene pensado es una visa temporal E-2, que es de la que trata este artà culo, tiene que comenzar por el principio, es decir, asegurarse de que tiene un pasaporte de un paà s que ha firmado un tratado de inversià ³n con los Estados Unidos. Si falla ese requisito, no aplica la visa E-2, aunque se cumplan todos los demà ¡s requisitos. Por lo tanto, verificar el listado, que nada tiene que ver con el de paà ses que han firmado con los Estados Unidos un tratado de libre comercio. Favor de evitar esta confusià ³n. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Feasibility Study Research Paper Free Essays
Executive summary The mill will be called Nyc Sugar incorporated with the meaning of bringing back the real sweet flavor of sugar into the market. The mill will have its own plant located at Ibayo, Balanga city, Bataan. This site is selected because of its strategic position, where the supplies of public and private services are adequate and the raw materials are readily available. We will write a custom essay sample on Feasibility Study Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now The need of the sugar mill company is to solve the problem of sugar shortages which increases day by day in this city and also try to deal with unemployment problems which increases with time here in Bataan. This will be achieved by creating more employment opportunities for the young generation living in the city as well as outside. Raw materials Normally sugar is used as an additive to tea and may also be added in the production of sugary products. The main raw material will be sugarcane which will undergo the following production stages. a. Harvesting of the sugarcane from the farm b. Crashing of the sugarcane to get the contents c. Drying of the contents to obtain solid sugar products d. Packaging and branding and latter transporting to the market The plant will have its own sugarcane plantation near the firm as it is budgeted that about 2/3 of the total land area of the firm will be used as the plantation square and the rest will be for infrastructure. Transportation The plant will be located in Ibaya near Balanga city where transport in not a major problem and therefore workers will easily access the plant and the transportation of the processed sugar will also be easily delivered to the market. Project long term objective The firm shall stick to its mission of providing the best of sugar and products to the customers and ensure that it maintains the best ethical standards in the production process. It should positively respond to the environmental needs of the society and if there will be expansion needs; it will be done without overlooking its primary objectives. Financing It is expected that most of the fund will come from the shares owned by the stockholders or the owners and incase the funds from the shares will not be able to cover up the firmââ¬â¢s primal expenses, the firm will then obtain loans from financial institutions to cover up the extra expenses for optimal production. Market study and demand and supply Since Bataan is geographically situated near Philippines centre, the sugar products can be transported to the neighboring provinces in the country like Manila which is a leading distributor of sugar will be a great recipient of the sugar product. The establishment of this firm will be of great help as it will increase the supply of sugar, and also lessen the importation of sugar which makes sugar expensive In the Bataan. Marketing strategy, scale and volume There will be a vigorous effort to secure a market before a commitment is even made to build the mill if it would be most desirable to have the financial participation of one or more major users who can guarantee the purchase of the substantial portion of the procedure production. The receiving of the raw materials supply will as well be considered. The firm is budgeted to have a production line which will represent about 800,000 tons per unit day which will heavily depend on the production conditions. Pricing and consumer surveys Pricing will follow the established market prices and practices which are usually determined by the forces of demand and supply, however because of sugar uncertainty of sugar product during the start up period, some price concessions will be made in order to break into the market. Industry and competition Since Nyc sugar mill will not be alone in the production of sugar, we have hereby come up with the following competition strengths. a. The branding name Nyc will be a strategy of welcoming even more customers to come and feel the niceness of our sugar. b. The packaging size will start as little as a half-kilogram bag up to 10kg to cater for all possible users irrespective of financial capability as opposed to other sugar producing firms which package from 1kg to 5kg. The response of the packaging strategy may give our firm an upper hand in the market resulting into more sales and therefore higher profits. Business model In the business model, it is expected that the firm will earn most of its money from the recurring sales of finished sugar products and selling permissions. We will market our products to the public through ventures like advertising and also increase sales through the pricing strategy. Operating facilities, equipment and staff Major equipments in the firm will be sugar processing machines which will be located in the factory. Again the firm will need to build infrastructure like paths and buildings. Below will be the required staff members in the board of directors -Chairman of the board Maintenance and material director -Sales director -Production director The firm will see to it that the accountants are licensed by the Professional Regulation Commission in their respective professions and all persons have at least an experience in their respective jobs. The accountant will be responsible for the preparation of the books of accounts, the sales director will assist in selling and finding markets and the production director will be responsible for production and ensuring productivity of processes. Waste disposal Among the various methods of waste materials disposal will include the following a. Elimination of the source. This will involve a careful attention of the source of pollutants b. Recovery of waste products. This will involve deciding on how to discard waste materials c. Waste treatment. Effect of laws and risks The firm will have to comply with the laws regarding environmental pollution and control and this will include payment of any fees if any from the international environmental control unit. To deal with risks, the firm would put across some extra funds to cater for risks resulting from factors like economic changes and increased competition. How to cite Feasibility Study Research Paper, Essays
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
English Coursework Essay Example For Students
English Coursework Essay Charles dickens was born on the 7th February 1812, in Portsmouth. Charles was the second of 8 children and he lived a poor upbringing and he and his family struggled for money too keep them alive. Dickens was not rich enough too go to school as a youngster and taught himself everything he needed to succeed in life. At the age of 12 Dickens started his job in a factory pasting labels on the jars of thick polish, this was enough too pay for his familys rent, He then moved on to be a law clerk. Dickens never forgot his hard childhood and always involved this in his novels, he always wanted to get the point across about the poverty and danger in England at this time. However in 1932 Dickens luck was about to change he started to write stories and draw sketches about London life an they were a great success , he was asked to write some more due to great demand. Then in 1838 Dickens published what was going to be one of if not his finest stories Olivier Twist which was extremely popular not just in England but in America as the Americans demanded the different chapters off the story. The story Olivier Twist was directed at the poor lifestyle of the lower class people at the time, Dickens tried hard to get this across to the people reading his book. Dickens wanted to shock the readers and show what criminals were really like and to reveal the horrors and violence in the London slums In the 1800s there was a big difference between the upper and lower class people, the lower class people had such a hard life an the life expectance was very low. Olivier lived the same life as a lot of kids at that time, not knowing there mothers or father led to a life on the street or pick pocketing as Olivier is led to do form a young age.Ã There was a huge difference between certain people at this time e.g. men and woman. Woman at this time were the property of men, women rarely made money as this was down to the men to provide for the family. When Oliviers mum was having Olivier as a baby she was on the street, as she had no husband and this led to a bad childbirth an also sadly led to her death, this was because at this time there was no healthcare and also it was very rare for the lower class people to be able to be seen by a doctor. Dickens tries his hardest to try and get across the point about the bad life Olivier was living and also other people at this time, as dickens lived a bad childhood he tried so hard to involve the suffering in Oliviers life to try and get this into the minds of the higher class people so that the future could be better for people of this day. Olivier has a sad birth, as he is brought up into this world with no mother or father, and his birth is not a very pleasant one as the doctor does not care about the child being born but the money he will receive and also the nurse at the time was drunken. Dickens creates sympathy for Olivier and his mother at the start of chapter one by the setting of his birth, as his mother was found in a gutter in the street, and was then taken into a workhouse were his mother was seen too by a parish surgeon and also a local nurse who was drunken at the time, the setting however being better than most birth places at this time creates sympathy as it was not a pleasant way to be brought into the world . .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268 , .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268 .postImageUrl , .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268 , .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268:hover , .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268:visited , .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268:active { border:0!important; } .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268:active , .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268 .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u41faf4029ee4eccec9f8d0a85a278268:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: After you my dear Alphonse by Shirley Jackson EssayAlthough It did not look like Olivier was going to live at first after having a bad childbirth but he was born into as quoted by dickens This world of sorrow and trouble, Dickens also quotes that Olivier was born On a day and date which I need not trouble myself to repeat, inasmuch as it can be of no possible consequence to the reader he says this because he thinks that it does not matter because the birth of Olivier was something that would much rather be forgotten. Later on in Oliviers Birth in chapter one whilst Olivier is being born there is dialog between the nurse, the surgeon and Oliviers mother in this conversation Olivier struggling to survive as he struggles to breath and crys out loud, his mother goes on to say Let me see the child and die this creates a lot of sympathy because although Olivier has only just been born already he will not be able to see his mother because she is on the verge of dying. After Oliviers mother being with the new-born child she passes away, and also the doctor leaves the room to go away to dinner as if nothing had ever happened, the nurse if left to dress Olivier up in robes. Dickens then trys to create a feeling of depression by using sad descriptive writing. And he leaves the last sentence saying If he (Olivier) could have known that he was an orphan, left to the tender mercies of churchwardens and oversees, perhaps he would have cried the louder. In the chapter of Nancys death Dickens creates tension and a sense of horror he does this by using descriptive and active language which involves the reader in the storyline. In this chapter Bill Sikes is planning to kill Nancy after Nancy betrays Bill so in total anger He kills her and then flees the country. In this scene it includes Bill Sikes, Fagin and Nancy, Fagin does not know at the start that Sikes intends to kill Nancy and throughout the scene Fagin tries to restrain Sikes but does not succeed. Dickens at the start of the chapter Fagin says to Bill You wont be-too-Violent Bill? This shows tension between bill and Fagin and as there is no reply this shows that Bill really wanted to kill Nancy. As Bill enters Nancys room there is very descriptive writing such as Without one pause, or moments consideration; without once turning his head to the right or left this creates tension and excites the reader as to what happens. As the chapter moves on Bill and Fagin Enter to room in which Nancy is in and although she thinks that its a nice surprise to see him Bill now makes the act of killing her, Dickens still uses effective language and punctuation in example I-I wont scream or cry-not once hear me-speak to me-tell me what I have done Dickens includes the dashes to include more suspense and tension in the chapter. Then Bill Sikes kills Nancy with two blows to the head from a pistol which leaves a dent in Nancys head. Bill Sikes Is clearly shocked by what he has just done so Dickens explains this fully by saying Such preparations completed, he moved, backwards towards the door, Dickens Language and structure makes this chapter more effective.Ã In Conclusion I fink that Dickens writing in Olivier twist is very effective because Dickens writing enables the reader to get into the story an feel the feelings that Olivier is feeling in the play. Dickens defiantly gets his point across about the people of lower class suffering and people know realise that you should help less fortunate. I enjoyed the story because I liked Oliviers determination to live a better life and in the end he succeeds.
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